Our mission is to raise awareness of the African American educational experience in Dallas County by collecting, preserving archives, recognizing outstanding individuals, supporting students and young educators.
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 Hall of Fame Class of the African American Education Archives and History Program. The AAEAHP Educators’ Hall of Fame identifies and recognizes educators and others for outstanding contributions to the educational experiences of African Americans in Dallas County.
Inductees are historical and contemporary. Since 2004, one hundred and eighty-three individuals have been inducted into the AAEAHP Hall of Fame and 38 special awards have been presented recognizing outstanding members of the community.
Nominations may be submitted via U.S. Mail or online from this website. A downloadable form is available here:
The deadline to submit a nomination is Monday, July 15, 2024.
Nominations must be postmarked by that date to be considered for the 2025 Hall of Fame.
Mail to: AAEAHP, P.O. Box 411091, Dallas, TX 75241.
For more information, contact Loretta Simon at loretta.simon@yahoo.com or call 214-697-2813.
Would you like to attend the next Hall of Fame ceremony? Reserve a spot for you and your group by purchasing tickets to the special luncheon.
Is there someone you’d like to nominate to be inducted into the AAEAHP Hall of Fame? Fill out a nomination application.
Has a Dallas County educator impacted your life? Recognize them with an “In Honor/In Memory” line on our Hall of Fame ceremony program.
Since 2015, AAEAHP has awarded tens of thousands of dollars to students from Dallas County to help them attend college and become educators. Our goal each year is to raise funds to support our young people. All funds raised go directly to our students.
The AAEAHP Hall of Fame initiates this award to be presented to an Outstanding Young Educator (OYE) under the age of forty (40) who demonstrates vision, innovation and action to improve teaching and learning.
The African American Education Archives and History Program’s Children’s Center for ages 3-8 is housed in the African Museum at Fair Park. Our goal Is to provide the best developmentally appropriate, culturally focused activities for Young children while empowering and teaching others to do the same.
The African American Education Archives and History Program (AAEAHP) and the African American Museum are proud to launch the Digital Interactive Wall Project (DIWP) to display the history and historic contributions of African American educators and others in Dallas County. Visitors will be able to search for information and filter it for specific individuals and topics to unlock the content of AAEAHP’s archives at the African American Museum. Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, the primary goal of the Digital Interactive Wall Project is to provide a comprehensive learning is $250,000 to support the development, installation and Digital Interactive Wall Project (DIWP).environment that is developmentally appropriate, intriguing, enticing, and memorable for visitors’ Pre-K to Adult.
We have many needs within our organization and offer a large range of volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering with AAEAHP please submit an application. We look forward to working together!
The African American Education Archives and History Program celebrates its Founders’ Day during this virtual event. The Celebration includes the history of the organization alongside a memorial observation of deceased educators.
The African American Museum was founded in 1974 as a part of the Special Collections at Bishop College, a Historically Black College that closed in 1988. The Museum has operated independently since 1979. The $7 million edifice was funded through private donations and a 1985 Dallas City bond election that provided $1.2 million for the construction of the new facility. The African American Museum is the only one of its kind in the Southwestern Region devoted to the preservation and display of African American artistic, cultural and historical materials. It has one of the largest African American Folk Art collections in the United States.
Contribute to our program by submitting a piece of history to display on our digital wall or by donating toward our scholarships.
For more information, call Dr. Alfred L. Roberts, Sr. (214) 478-7228 or Ms. Gwendolyn Brantley at (972) 298-6980 or fill out the contact form below.
Reach out to our office in Dallas, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
No other group has made as significant an impact on the lives of African Americans than African American educators. Help us in our effort to chronicle the contributions of this group of magnificent professionals.
African American Education Archives and History Program | All Rights Reserved © 2011-2023